Leprechaun Pee

Reading about Leprechauns The other night Chloe was all excited about leprechauns. For St. Patrick's day her class read some books about leprechauns at school. She also had some friends who reported seeing green water in their toilets! Obvious evidence that leprechauns had been up to no good at their houses. When we got home Chloe was eager to check our toilets and see if we had any tiny green visitor who needed to relieve themselves in between other mischief. After checking both toilets she was disappointed to find no green water. She thoroughly looked through the whole house asking me tons of questions about leprechauns. Questions like: Daddy where do leprechauns hide? How big are leprechauns? Do you think they would go in Mason's room? Fortunately we did find a cup of green water in Mason's room. Obviously, leprechauns had been to our house. When I found the water I asked Chloe if she wanted to touch it and she said no. She...